Wednesday Perk-Up! (05-11 July)

TCC Wednesday Perk-Up

I'm one of those "to the ends of the internet!" types who finds random articles and saves them for discussion. Unfortunately, those articles never actually get discussed, so they instead sit in their lonely Firefox tab, waiting for me to hover my mouse over their URLs and share with you all! It hit me recently just how many of those tabs I tend to have open... certainly far too many, a sure … [Read more...]

NASA Goddard encourages and celebrates different faiths – Part 3!

Holidays to balance out your hot and sticky summer! Thank heavens, too -- we all need something other than air conditioners, swimming pools, and ice-cold lemonade to keep us afloat as we roast. (Though honestly, none of those are all that bad.) Nothing for us Pagans this month, but still plenty to go around! A very happy holiday to anyone observing this month. :) Like the ones in February … [Read more...]

Pagan Coming Out Day 2012


Happy Pagan Coming Out Day! :D Pagan Coming Out Day Every year, the day after Beltane, comes a time when you get to come out in all your Pagany glory. I've asked y'all to share your coming-out stories on my Facebook page, and as promised, below is a survey that you can share with everyone as well. According to PCOD: Coming out to someone is a decision only you can make and it’s a decision … [Read more...]

Happy Beltane! :)

Beltane fire

To those in the Northern hemisphere who celebrate, a very happy and fun-filled Beltane to you! And to those brothers and sisters to the south, happy Samhain!! Since Matt and I will be out celebrating his favorite Sabbat (lol) with a bunch of friends and good drinks tonight, and considering I have work today, I don't have a great amount of time for a large Beltane post. Therefore, I'm going to … [Read more...]

Hubris: Pride Goes Before a Fall (Pagan Blog Project 2012)

Image by Joe Bergeron

This post proved to be a very interesting one to ponder. When one thinks about hubris, their first thought is in relation to a certain deity, and coming from a place of Pagan agnosticism, I found it difficult to connect with that idea. But a recent discussion about the elements with some friends with Central Maryland Pagans proved to me that hubris can extend further than simply the idea that … [Read more...]

Girly Parts: Seeing myself as a Goddess (Pagan Blog Project 2012)


As I discuss topics in this post that contain at least intensely suggestive dialogue, strong coarse language, intense sexual situations, or intense violence, it may have some material that may be unsuitable for children under 14 years of age. Discretion is advised. Additionally, if you are or know someone who is a victim of sexual violence, please contact the police or RAINN at their online or … [Read more...]

NASA Goddard encourages and celebrates different faiths – Part 2!

I was hoping to get one for last month, but sadly, I didn't. That's okay, though! Matt's workplace still does these, and it's nice to see how inclusive they are of all religions. (See all the way at the bottom for Beltane!) Like the one in February, below is the section of the email sent to all NASA Goddard employees this morning with the holidays for the month of April, including some links at … [Read more...]

Judaism and Circumcision: The Mitzvah of the Brit Milah and a Pagan’s take on the whole thing

Brit Milah, or the Covenant of Abraham/Circumcision. via wiki

**First, let me start off by saying that, while I’m not an “intactivist” by any means, my views in this post will not align with all of yours. That’s part of the nature of sharing your opinion. :) Despite these differences, though, please be aware that I do respect yours and your reasons for them. That being said, I’m not necessarily going to hold back for the sakes of those who … [Read more...]

Faith and Freedom: In the Clink (Pagan Blog Project 2012)

It’s so early this morning for a rant! My inbox held an article from HuffPost Religion about religion in prison, wherein a Pew Forum released a 50-state survey of prison chaplains. Many of the results were not surprising: Muslim and Protestant Christian faith systems experienced a growth in religion switching, religious counseling and other religion-based programming are an important part of … [Read more...]

Eustress and Daily Magick (Pagan Blog Prompt 2012)


Main Entry: eustress Part of Speech: n Definition: stress that is deemed healthful or giving one the feeling of fulfillment Etymology: from Greek eu 'well, good' + stress, modeled on distress   Throughout my life (as I'm sure many of you can relate), I've had tremendous stress. Between work, school and the homework that came with it, other home … [Read more...]