This post proved to be a very interesting one to ponder. When one thinks about hubris, their first thought is in relation to a certain deity, and coming from a place of Pagan agnosticism, I found it difficult to connect with that idea. But a recent discussion about the elements with some friends with Central Maryland Pagans proved to me that hubris can extend further than simply the idea that … [Read more...]
Faith and Freedom: In the Clink (Pagan Blog Project 2012)
It’s so early this morning for a rant! My inbox held an article from HuffPost Religion about religion in prison, wherein a Pew Forum released a 50-state survey of prison chaplains. Many of the results were not surprising: Muslim and Protestant Christian faith systems experienced a growth in religion switching, religious counseling and other religion-based programming are an important part of … [Read more...]
Eustress and Daily Magick (Pagan Blog Prompt 2012)
Main Entry: eustress Part of Speech: n Definition: stress that is deemed healthful or giving one the feeling of fulfillment Etymology: from Greek eu 'well, good' + stress, modeled on distress Throughout my life (as I'm sure many of you can relate), I've had tremendous stress. Between work, school and the homework that came with it, other home … [Read more...]
Body Art: The Magick and the Permanence (Pagan Blog Project 2012)
I’m deathly afraid of needles but I've always wanted to get a tattoo, so for my 22nd birthday, my now-husband surprised me by paying for my first (and currently only) traipse into the world of permanent body art. I stressed for weeks as I figured out what I wanted, then worked for about an hour with a tattoo artist to create the perfect design. I twisted my fingers as I waited for my turn, maybe … [Read more...]