Pagan Coming Out Day 2012


Happy Pagan Coming Out Day! :D Pagan Coming Out Day Every year, the day after Beltane, comes a time when you get to come out in all your Pagany glory. I've asked y'all to share your coming-out stories on my Facebook page, and as promised, below is a survey that you can share with everyone as well. According to PCOD: Coming out to someone is a decision only you can make and it’s a decision … [Read more...]

Pagan Coming Out Day and Tempest Smith

Pagan Coming Out DayBeltane is just winding down, and I hope that everyone had a fantastic and fun-filled Sabbat! Just as this celebration is coming to a close, a newer one is hot on its heels: This year, 2 May has been designated International Pagan Coming Out Day, and what a time to do so! The very first weekday after a major Sabbat, one about love and celebrating ourselves as Pagans, so follows … [Read more...]