KIVA at New Deal Cafe!

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This past Saturday, a couple friends (Beatnik Betty and Jane) and I checked out KIVA, a local folk music band, at New Deal Cafe. It was an absolute BLAST, and I'm so glad we went! That performance was in honor of and a fundraiser for their master drummer, Jaqui MacMillan, to raise some money after she had to undergo surgery. She was without playing her drums for eight weeks, y'all! If you're a … [Read more...]



I feel like such a slump recently. This year has been incredibly busy around here: My job is really picking up, I'm helping my sister and her fiance plan their wedding for the end of this year or so, we're doing a lot of traveling for various reasons (family, vacations, work-related), I've got a side project that is currently in the works, and I've been trying to get out a little more because, … [Read more...]

Body Art: The Magick and the Permanence (Pagan Blog Project 2012)

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I’m deathly afraid of needles but I've always wanted to get a tattoo, so for my 22nd birthday, my now-husband surprised me by paying for my first (and currently only) traipse into the world of permanent body art. I stressed for weeks as I figured out what I wanted, then worked for about an hour with a tattoo artist to create the perfect design. I twisted my fingers as I waited for my turn, maybe … [Read more...]

Roasted Chickpeas with Sea Salt


This recipe was actually inspired by my friend Melissa, who makes a version of these as a snack. Matt has his chicken wings for the Ravens/Patriots game today, and I wanted something meaty and filling as well. After making these, I know for a FACT that I've found my game day finger food! (Also, Go Pats. Not because I'm a fan -- my Dolphins were out long ago -- but because Ravens fans are … [Read more...]

The Double Witchy Cat Dare!

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Okay, I guess I've avoided this long enough. ;) I was recently tagged by a few people in this little meme, so let's get it going! The Rules: 1. Post these rules. 2. You must post 11 random thoughts about yourself. 3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. 4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer. 5. Go to their blog and tell them you have tagged … [Read more...]

Pagan kids in the news: Children and religious discrimination


There's been quite a buzz recently surrounding Pagan and other alternate-faith students in public schools: Atheist Teen Defeats High School Prayer Banner (, 12 January 2012) An Atheist teenager had to bring her high school to district court after a prayer mural, which makes mention of "Our Heavenly Father", was posted in the hallway. Her suit challenged the constitutionality of … [Read more...]

What’s actually in fast food chicken? (Oh my god, ew ew ew…)


I really can't say it better than Organic Authority's Shilo Urban, so I'm just going to copy the article here. I don't think I got three paragraphs down before I started feeling physically sick... and I don't even eat the stuff! Read at your own risk, eat at your own demise. Frying chicken is fairly simple, if a little messy. You dip pieces of chicken into a mix of egg and milk, roll them … [Read more...]

Children’s Books for Pagan Kids

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My mom is a library assistant at an elementary school down in Florida (actually, the same elementary school my siblings and I all attended!), and she's always sending me recommendations for new books and new series. I absolutely adore YA literature, among other genres, and I always find her recommendations to be well worth reading. I know I'll be hitting her up when Matt and I decide to have … [Read more...]