Lughnasadh is on Monday… and time has run away from me.

time change

Lughnasadh is next Monday, apparently. 1 August, as it is every year. It's not like I don't know this, but for some reason, this turn of the wheel feels as though it sneaked up on me... where did the rest of the time go, where we're suddenly focused on the harvest, the year waning down to Samhain? I wanted to have a full week of posts for Lughnasadh, but, while I'll have quite a few days with … [Read more...]

Pagan Apathy (and what we can do to stop it)

A great friend of mine and awesome Pagan chica, Kallan, recently posted about Pagan apathy. It is a very inspiring, insightful post about the Pagan community and its almost lackadaisical attitude towards very public disdain for that very community. Part of me became a bit angry while reading it. Not at Kallan, of course, but at the idea that Pagans could be apathetic at all. We're a faith that … [Read more...]

Meatless Monday: Recipe: Vegan Tzatziki

In a galaxy not too far away, I posted a recipe for homemade tzatziki. While it was amazing, it's certainly not vegan. The base is made of Greek yogurt... and I was craving some tzatziki today, hardcore. So Matt went looking for a recipe for me (all the way from Colorado, no less! Gotta love that man), and I adapted it to create my own homemade vegan tzatziki! This recipe is also awesome in … [Read more...]

Silver Diner – Rockville, MD


My sophomore year of university, a diner opened up on Florida State's campus at Park Avenue (appropriately called "Park Avenue Diner" or simply called "The Diner"), which was heavily frequented by myself and some friends at midnight or later. I mean, come on, the place was open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (Don't worry, there was a SAFEbus, a free serving available to students late at night to … [Read more...]

Three weeks down, one to go!

  I've been vegan now for three weeks, so, with just over a week left to go, I thought I'd give you my thoughts and experiences. It may sound weird coming from someone who once ate cheese on and in everything (seriously, the bigger the clumps of mozzarella, the better!), but... I do not miss it at all. In fact, things that I once loved -- mac 'n'  cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, … [Read more...]

A week of updates!


I have been horrible with updating this week, but it's for good reason, I promise. I was out of the house every day from about 7am to 10pm, and had an incredibly busy weekend to boot. It was a fantastic week, though! This whole week was spent volunteering as an orchestra member for a local summer opera workshop. In case you don't know, I'm a violinist, have been since I was 13. I only started … [Read more...]

Vegan Experiment: Tech-Savvy Veganism – 10 Veggie-Friendly Apps!

iPhone case

Before Matt and I went off to do some shopping and get a bite to eat for lunch earlier in the week, I scrolled through my iPod, searching for vegan-friendly options in the area and marveling at just how easy modern technology has made being a vegan easy! Below are some of my favorite veg*n- related apps for the iPhone/iPod Touch: 1. VeganXpress ($1.99, by Brandon Berger) Vegans often find … [Read more...]

Vegan Experiment: Vegan Bagel Friday!

:munch munch munch: Oh, um... hey! How y'all doing! :wipes Earth Balance from chin: Oh, this here? Yeah, it's a bagel. What's that you say, it's not vegan? There's L-cysteine in it? I'm slipping up again?! Except I'm not! See, after having been deprived of delicious bagels and Earth Balance (a vegan butter replacement, by the way) last Friday, I decided to shoot Panera an email and check … [Read more...]

Pagan Blog Prompts: Ethical Eating

Oh, how appropriate today's Pagan blog prompt is! Despite that, it was still difficult to answer: Prompt: Ethical Eating How does your faith guide you in how you buy and eat food? Are you vegan (or vegetarian) because of the ethics your faith imposes? Or have you chosen to be that way for other reasons? Do your beliefs even have anything to do with how you eat? Maybe I should start at … [Read more...]

Vegan Experiment: Oh yes, I slip up.

I've only been vegan for the past six days, and as I thoroughly research to be sure whether the beer I'm about to drink (Brooklyn Brewery dark chocolate stout, by the way, which is both incredibly alcoholic for a beer at 10% and very distinctly dark chocolate in its aftertaste) is vegan, I chide myself repeatedly as I've managed to slip up twice already. Twice! I could kick myself! I set … [Read more...]