Lawyer suspended after posting job ad for seXXXcretary

Yeah... pretty much this.

I've just been on a posting spree this week! You know what they say: While the husband's away, the Stephie will play. Or, erm... update her blog. Exciting times in my life, people, let me tell you. Anyway. There's a project at work that's making me vaguely uncomfortable for personal reasons, but that I'm doing because, hey, part of the job: Searching for sexual harassment presentations and … [Read more...]

Current Events

Whew! I feel like I've left most of y'all in a lurch, and for that, I'm really sorry! This week has been absolutely insane, so I haven't had the chance to do much of... well, anything but those things that were then on my plate. First, I got a new job! My last day at my old firm was Wednesday. It was actually a very lovely day with wrapping up work, having pizza with my coworkers, and … [Read more...]

A week of updates!


I have been horrible with updating this week, but it's for good reason, I promise. I was out of the house every day from about 7am to 10pm, and had an incredibly busy weekend to boot. It was a fantastic week, though! This whole week was spent volunteering as an orchestra member for a local summer opera workshop. In case you don't know, I'm a violinist, have been since I was 13. I only started … [Read more...]

Certified Paralegal exams begin tomorrow!

Tomorrow, it begins...My paralegal certification exams start tomorrow. Yikes!While I'm not nearly as nervous now as I was a couple weeks ago (wherein increased anxiety led to a panic attack which led to baking), I'm still a bit edgy about it. I've been studying on and off for the past couple weeks, and I'm feeling increasingly confident as I realize it's paying off and I'm retaining more than I … [Read more...]

A mini update on the NALA exam, and my reasons therefor

Um... not that Nala, but the expression is pretty accurate! "Oh shiiiiiit..."It's been a while since I updated about my NALA paralegal certification. It's been on my mind pretty consistently since I finally determined I was going to take it a few months ago, and as I'm taking it at the end of this month, I thought I'd give my exam schedule, just determined today:23 MayLegal Research: 4:00pm - … [Read more...]

Crackin’ down

Okay, so.My CLA/CP examination is scheduled for sometime in May, and knowing me, I'm going to push it as far back as possible. As a result, I'm looking at a test date within the next two months.And aside from reading a few CrunchTime books (not even cover-to-cover, mind you) and marveling over semicolon use in the Communications section (seriously, to break up two thoughts where the second starts … [Read more...]

NALA Paralegal Certification and nervous shits

Let's just call a spade a spade, mmm-kay?Who knew a bit of mail would be so nerve-wracking?Since I started my Legal Studies A.S., I've wanted to take and pass the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) Certified Legal Assistant/Paralegal (CLA/CP) exam. What can I say, I'm a masochist. I had planned to take it just before graduating -- you need a certain number of education credits and … [Read more...]