Matt's on a twin turboprop plane like the one pictured above, about to take off from Cleveland to come home after a long week of travel. While I'm incredibly excited to have him home, I'm also incredibly nervous, to the point where my stomach is upset and I'm taking deep, slow breaths to curb the possible panic. I hate flying, and I've had to take a plane like this before from Atlanta to … [Read more...]
What constitutes “faith”?
There's been a lot of hullabaloo recently surrounding a Top Mom Blog of faith contest, wherein a few amazing Pagan/Wiccan bloggin' mamas, namely MrsB's Confessions and Angela @ The Pagan Mom Blog, were personally called out by a Christian blogger. She was originally nominated as a Top Mom blog, resting happily at #2, but fortunately, due to her belief that "[d]ifferent faith is wrong faith", she … [Read more...]
TCC’s Birthday and 200th Post! :)
Two pretty cool milestones have passed in the last couple weeks: First, our one-year blogging anniversary at The Coexist Cafe recently passed on 13 May! You think I'd remember that seeing that it's also Matt's birthday, but of course not -- it completely slipped my mind. TCC's "birthday," not Matt's. Second, this is our 200th post! It might not seem like much, but I'm pretty proud of the … [Read more...]
Certified Paralegal exams begin tomorrow!
Tomorrow, it begins...My paralegal certification exams start tomorrow. Yikes!While I'm not nearly as nervous now as I was a couple weeks ago (wherein increased anxiety led to a panic attack which led to baking), I'm still a bit edgy about it. I've been studying on and off for the past couple weeks, and I'm feeling increasingly confident as I realize it's paying off and I'm retaining more than I … [Read more...]
Coexisting isn’t always easy.
Sometimes, coexisting is actually really hard. And can result in some heated debates. Matt and I argued about food yesterday, from our different diets (which isn't typically a problem but holy crap yesterday) to how to raise healthy kids with healthy diets, and pretty much everything in between. Of course, we started when we got to bed at 10pm, and probably passed out (finally!) around … [Read more...]
Intractable Bibliophilia: "Old Books Aren’t Vegan!"
Dani Alexis of Intractable BibliophiliaSorry for the lack of posts lately. I've been pretty sick, work has been busy, and I'm still studying for my paralegal certification exam, which is next week Monday through Wednesday. Fun times! I have quite a bit of catch-up to do after all this insanity is over, from things that I've found interesting over the past week or so to sharing a few recipes and … [Read more...]
Happy 27th Birthday, Dear Husband! :)
Happy Monday, everyone! :) Save for the fact that you're either at work or school (or doing whatever responsibilities you might have put off for the weekend), it's a great Monday, isn't it? Not so much for myself and Matt, as we're dragging ourselves to work with stuffy noses, congested chests, and achy muscles. But as we're not so sick that we have to stay home, off to the firm and to NASA we … [Read more...]
FTLOB: Featuring The Coexist Cafe!
I was featured on FTLOB! :D Go check out the post, and to everyone who is new to The Coexist Cafe, welcome! I look forward to getting to know y'all.For The Love Of Blogs: Featured Blog: the Coexist cafe: "Hey there, y'all! My name is Stephanie, and my blog is The Coexist Cafe . I am a writer, paralegal, eclectic Pagan, and vegetarian foodie an..." … [Read more...]
Recipe: Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
When my anxiety is high, I clean.And when things are clean, as they were today, I bake. And hoo boy, did I bake.I'll go more into the anxiety thing (and other points of personal interest) tomorrow, but in the meantime, I invite you to experience the same smell I am currently enjoying: That of fresh-baked chocolate chip banana bread. I love bananas, Matt loves chocolate chips, and the combination … [Read more...]
Greenbelt Green Man Festival – photos!
Sorry for not having something for Meatless Monday yesterday; I've been spazzing about the CLA/CP exam (more on that later), so I had nothing. I do have pictures from this weekend's Greenbelt Green Man Festival, though! Enjoy! :)Facing East for the Festival blessing.Giving out the Green Man Award.Simultaneously interesting and scary.Face paint. :)Green Man Groupies. :)Vry srs Green Man … [Read more...]