Theological Thursday: 21st Century Witch Discriminations

Let me tell you, everyone. I am incredibly lucky where I am, with my friends and family and coworkers. They all accept me for who I am and what I am, even going out of their ways to make me feel comfortable -- while unnecessary, it is sweet, like Matt's Nana wanting to get me a card for Ostara while everyone else celebrates Pesach and Easter. :)I'm not terribly open about my spirituality, though, … [Read more...]

Theological Thursday: On making spirituality a priority.

I've been thinking a lot about my spiritual practice lately, and how it's really waned in the past year or so. I'd love to be able to blame it on anything external ("I don't have a group," "I'm too tired to study it," "There's a lot on my plate," "It hasn't been the greatest weather to enjoy Mother Nature," and so forth), but it comes down to one person: Me. And I'm just … [Read more...]

Painting complete… finally!

Not long ago, Matt and I bought some paint with the lofty goal of painting the entire living room to rid it of the ugly beige that somehow turned green at night, and actually having a design accent wall in both the living room and kitchen. We wanted something bold and blue, and since it'd be mostly covered with furniture anyway (white furniture, by the way), it wouldn't be a huge eyesore.We pored … [Read more...]

Ostara and Italian Ice

The back of my hand swept across my forehead in a feeble attempt to wipe off the sweat that somehow managed to gather in 45-degree weather. A strong smell of glass cleaner from the cloth in my hand hit me like a brick, and I sank back into my car's passenger seat to recover. Small price to pay to be able to see out my front windshield!It had been ages since I cleaned out my car, and this weekend … [Read more...]

NALA Paralegal Certification and nervous shits

Let's just call a spade a spade, mmm-kay?Who knew a bit of mail would be so nerve-wracking?Since I started my Legal Studies A.S., I've wanted to take and pass the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) Certified Legal Assistant/Paralegal (CLA/CP) exam. What can I say, I'm a masochist. I had planned to take it just before graduating -- you need a certain number of education credits and … [Read more...]

Fab Friends, yo!

Aw, how great! My blog, along with a few others, is headlined today at FTLOB's Fab Friends Friday! Hi there to all you new readers, I look forward to getting to know you. :) If you found your way here today, why not leave me a comment with your own blog address so I can swing on by.Woohoo! Thank you, FTLOB! … [Read more...]

Recipe: Chocolate stout cupcakes with Bailey’s icing

 Boozy cupcakes? Then it must be St. Patrick's Day! Since it's widely known in the United States as a holiday for drinking and debauchery, I thought it'd be appropriate to share a great recipe for cupcakes that are sure to make your family and friends (and coworkers...) go "WOWWIE, that's got some Irish kick!"IngredientsCupcakes* 1 cup stout (I used Guinness extra stout)* 1 cup unsalted … [Read more...]

New favorite Greek yogurt… Chobani pineapple!

Obviously, I've been on a Greek yogurt kick lately. My current favorite? Chobani pineapple. Its sweetness is juuuuust right, and of course, being a Floridian, I'm all about the tropical fruit. Now if only they'd come out with Key lime.What's your flavor? Tell me what's your flava... … [Read more...]

Will the "supermoon" trigger natural disasters?

A story about a "supermoon" has been floating around the Pagan blogosphere recently, where amateur scientists and astrologer Richard Nolle have been predicting that the distance between the moon and the Earth, which will be the closest its been in the past 18 years (221,567 miles versus the average 238,000 mile), will cause massive earthquakes, volcanoes, and powerful storms in the wake of the … [Read more...]

Recipe: Tzatziki

This craze surrounding Greek yogurt means more benefits not only for your health, but for your palate. Yogurt can be used in cooking all sorts of things, from cole slaw to pancakes and everything in between. Below is a recipe for traditional tzatziki, adapted from Ingredients * 3 cups Greek Yogurt (or use strained plain yogurt or light sour cream) * 2-3 tbsp fresh lemon … [Read more...]