Judaism and Circumcision: The Mitzvah of the Brit Milah and a Pagan’s take on the whole thing

Brit Milah, or the Covenant of Abraham/Circumcision. via wiki

**First, let me start off by saying that, while I’m not an “intactivist” by any means, my views in this post will not align with all of yours. That’s part of the nature of sharing your opinion. :) Despite these differences, though, please be aware that I do respect yours and your reasons for them. That being said, I’m not necessarily going to hold back for the sakes of those who … [Read more...]



I feel like such a slump recently. This year has been incredibly busy around here: My job is really picking up, I'm helping my sister and her fiance plan their wedding for the end of this year or so, we're doing a lot of traveling for various reasons (family, vacations, work-related), I've got a side project that is currently in the works, and I've been trying to get out a little more because, … [Read more...]

Pagan kids in the news: Children and religious discrimination


There's been quite a buzz recently surrounding Pagan and other alternate-faith students in public schools: Atheist Teen Defeats High School Prayer Banner (Examiner.com, 12 January 2012) An Atheist teenager had to bring her high school to district court after a prayer mural, which makes mention of "Our Heavenly Father", was posted in the hallway. Her suit challenged the constitutionality of … [Read more...]

Children’s Books for Pagan Kids

kids books

My mom is a library assistant at an elementary school down in Florida (actually, the same elementary school my siblings and I all attended!), and she's always sending me recommendations for new books and new series. I absolutely adore YA literature, among other genres, and I always find her recommendations to be well worth reading. I know I'll be hitting her up when Matt and I decide to have … [Read more...]

Chanukah history and traditions


Still not feeling 100% better today -- some of the symptoms are over and done with, but I can't seem to shake these nauseous and exhausted feelings. It was so bad that I had to miss last night's Yule ritual, which I anticipated but was still rather upset about. We did go to Matt's family's Chanukah dinner on Saturday, though! It was a wonderful time spent with extended family, and I'm so happy … [Read more...]

Pagan Blog Prompts: Ethical Eating

Oh, how appropriate today's Pagan blog prompt is! Despite that, it was still difficult to answer: Prompt: Ethical Eating How does your faith guide you in how you buy and eat food? Are you vegan (or vegetarian) because of the ethics your faith imposes? Or have you chosen to be that way for other reasons? Do your beliefs even have anything to do with how you eat? Maybe I should start at … [Read more...]

A Lesson in Tolerance… and how each of us can make a difference

There was a little contemplation yesterday about freedom of choice in our religion, in our diets, and in who we are. While we may be free to actually accomplish these things for personal satisfaction, the fact of the matter is that some people just plain won't like it, whether or not it affects them in any way. I can't even begin the number of ways I have personally been talked down to for being … [Read more...]

Happy Independence Day from TCC!

For those of you living in the United States (including myself), today marks the day our country attained its freedom from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and the day the Declaration of Independence was signed. So happy Fourth of July! We are fortunate here in the US to have so many guaranteed freedoms that people in many other countries could only dream of. Of course, we have a long way to go, … [Read more...]

What constitutes “faith”?


There's been a lot of hullabaloo recently surrounding a Top Mom Blog of faith contest, wherein a few amazing Pagan/Wiccan bloggin' mamas, namely MrsB's Confessions and Angela @ The Pagan Mom Blog, were personally called out by a Christian blogger. She was originally nominated as a Top Mom blog, resting happily at #2, but fortunately, due to her belief that "[d]ifferent faith is wrong faith", she … [Read more...]

And you’re a vegetarian… why?

Earlier this week, we discussed the broad types of vegetarianism (and diets in general) that exist today. Today I'll be covering reasons why one would want to pursue a diet that completely or partially eliminates meat. While this is, like the last, not at all a comprehensive list of reasons, I hope it serves as a starting point!People go vegetarian (or flexitarian) for many different and often … [Read more...]