It was the wee hours of the morning when I received the text. I didn't process a lot of what was going on, just that it was storming out and that the blinding light from my iPhone rivaled the intermittent lightning outside. I rubbed my eyes, bleary from sleep, and rolled away from the light to wrap my arm around Matt. I don't remember much from that night, but when I finally saw the picture … [Read more...]
A Personal Update
I know I don't do many of these, mostly because I want this blog to focus on spirituality (both for myself and as a whole) and food (because YUM), but there are some times when, as I read about your hopes and dreams and personal lives, I feel like sharing my own with you guys. This is one of those times. :) As I'm probably going to cover a lot of topics in one blog post, I'm including links … [Read more...]
Judaism and Circumcision: The Mitzvah of the Brit Milah and a Pagan’s take on the whole thing
**First, let me start off by saying that, while I’m not an “intactivist” by any means, my views in this post will not align with all of yours. That’s part of the nature of sharing your opinion. :) Despite these differences, though, please be aware that I do respect yours and your reasons for them. That being said, I’m not necessarily going to hold back for the sakes of those who … [Read more...]