Recipe: Savory Mushroom and Roasted Red Pepper Calzones

Using the dough from last night, Matt and I made some incredible calzones that I know y’all will just love. The dough is really what takes forever; the rest of this takes mayyyybe 30 minutes, so if you have the dough prepped already, you can have a delicious meal in no time at all.

Oh, and I completely forgot today was Meatless Monday. Happy Monday, y’all!


* whole wheat pizza dough, quartered
* three (3) portobello mushroom caps, roasted and cut into 1/2″ cubes
* one (1) jar roasted red peppers, drained and diced
* 1 tbsp Gruyere cheese (or more to your liking)
* 1 tbsp Parmesan cheese (or more to your liking)


1. Preheat your oven to 425 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper (or spray cooking spray if you have no parchment).

2. Take your dough and roll it into a ball. With a lightly floured rolling pin, roll out the dough until it can no longer stretch, then take the flattened dough with your fists and gently pull apart. You want the dough to be thin, but not so thin that it will tear easily.

3. When stretched out, lay down the dough and fill one half with red pepper, then Gruyere cheese, then mushrooms, and finally with Parmesan. Fold over the other half of the dough and pinch or roll the edges until contents are sealed.

4. Here’s the tricky part: Take a small pinch of whole wheat flour and dust the top of the calzone. With your fingertips, gently pull the calzone towards you, flipping it so you have the flour side down. With another small pinch of whole wheat flour, dust the bottom, then roll back until the pinched side is down. (This makes moving it from the table to the baking pan SO much easier!)

5. Place the calzone onto your baking pan, then pop in the oven for 14 minutes.

You want another picture of this bad boy, don’t you? ;)

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  1. Toriz says:

    You can bet I’m trying this at some point in the future… *Bookmarks the post to add to my recipe page later* :)


  1. [...] calzones. It didn’t list the profanities used or the feeling of helplessness as I shoved the veggie- and cheese-filled dough into the oven. And heaven forbid I tell anyone that I was worried when Matt took his first [...]

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