Hurricane Irene and helping others

Hurricane Irene

This has been a rather insane week as far as the weather is concerned, especially for the Midatlantic region. We experienced an earthquake on Tuesday (my first, Matt's second) that rippled through Virginia and affected North Carolina all the way through New England and even into Canada. Shortly after, preparations were underway in these same areas for a hurricane that still looms on the horizon … [Read more...]

Big Pimpin’: The Perfect Loop

I love getting things in the mail. Good things, of course; bills are another story, but a fact of life. No, what I like to get are the coupons, the free samples, the letters from friends and family. And shinies!! Pretty shinies! Which is why, when an awesomely amazing and talented friend of mine said she was having a sale at her etsy shop, I jumped on it. Jewelry in the mail? Made by a … [Read more...]

Pagan Blog Prompts: Your Tools

Today's post is all about tools! I thought this would be a short entry considering how few tools I actually own, but you know me -- always rather verbose. ;) Prompt: Your Tools What tools do you use, if any? Tarot or other divination tools? Athame, chalice, candles, wand, etc? Why have you chosen to use these tools? How do you prepare and maintain them? Where/how do you store … [Read more...]

My Pagan Library

The weather is cool and crisp, with a slight hint of humidity that holds the chill in the air. When this weather comes around, I can't help but anticipate days of hot drinks, warm blankets, soft couch cushions, and comforting books as snow swirls around our house. In preparation, I picked up a few books today, then realized I had a decent-sized Pagan library. Then I figured I'd share some with … [Read more...]

When Soy Annoys: Food allergies and veg*nism

Way back when, I told a story about my anaphylactic reaction to (what we believe was) the almond oil used during a massage. Since I really haven't touched on the topic since then, and because it's so vitally important -- in my opinion, it's even more important than consciously choosing a diet lifestyle! -- I thought I'd delve deeper into it. And it's not only because of one's health (which is … [Read more...]

Recipe: Tofu in Peanut-Ginger Sauce

When Matt's out of town, as he is this week, I consider it "me time" in the kitchen. Two reasons for this: First, I can make whatever the eff I want, and on that note, I typically try out a new recipe or two in that week. Second, I can make huge batches of whatever it is, knowing full well that I'll be the one eating it. Which means... I can make tofu galore! This is one, though, that I'm … [Read more...]

This is totally just me ranting about falling baking projects.

I consider myself pretty good at baking. My stuff always comes out hot, fresh, and delicious, and my husband (and, when said baked goods are brought to work, my coworkers) heartily approves of pretty much any baking frenzy I'm swept up in. But goddammit, will I NEVER make a decent from-scratch cupcake! They always, ALWAYS fall, and it drives me up the wall. Makes me feel like … [Read more...]

Prepackaged Health Meals: A Saving Grace or a Menace?

Today's post actually comes from a guest blogger! I was approached about a week ago by James Kim, a guest writer for Food On the Table, which provides online budget meal planning services with the goals to help families eat better and save money. Hope you enjoy his guest post on prepackaged foods, and of course, we'd love to hear your thoughts on this post! Prepackaged Health Meals: A Saving … [Read more...]

Sacred Spaces

This week has been an absolute whirlwind, and in an effort to both slow it down and create a space that is soothing and spiritual, I've been rearranging our third bedroom as an "altar room." It's not even close to finished as I have quite a few things to move out and some decorating to do, but by the time it's done, I'm hoping to use it as a place where I can do private ritual and yoga … [Read more...]

Mercury Retrograde: It’s all about perspective.


Call me crazy, but Mercury retrograde doesn't scare me. Not one bit. It used to, though. I used to check the calendar and think that every bad thing happening during Mercury retrograde was related to the planet's illusion of traveling backwards through the sky and not by some psychological trickery my mind was playing on itself. Not to say that Mercury didn't have anything to do with it, but … [Read more...]