I’m writing out my stir-fry tofu recipe, but before I do that, here’s today’s Monday Moos, hosted by FTLOB! What a wonderful way to spend the first workday of the week.
Today’s questions:
King Corvid-
“What do you do when you run out of things to do on the internet?”
… I get back to work?
No, seriously. I’m almost always juggling work, blogging, emails, and anything else that needs the internet or the the computer in general. There is never a dull moment, and on the rare occasion there is (typically after work hours), I close up the laptop and do stuff around the house.
When the internet is exceptionally boring, my house henceforth becomes spotless.
“How do you gain and keep followers?”
I really am not good authority on this one, haha. I try to keep my content fresh, interesting, and related to what I’m passionate about (in my experience, this leads to the best possible writing, when you actually enjoy what you’re talking about). I also love leaving comments and following other people back, which helps, I’m sure!
“What are your blogging inspirations?”
Those of you who have followed The Coexist Cafe know that I love talking about food, religion, and random stuff that goes on around the Fox home. I’d call vegetarianism, spirituality, and Matt’s randomness my main sources of inspiration. Fortunately, there is never a shortage of any of those!
I just got the perfect example of said randomness, by the way:
Matt Fox is online.Stephanie: BABBYHI BABBYSent at 9:16 AM on Monday
Matt: how is babby formed?gotta poop, bye!
“Do you edit your posts?”
I probably should, but I don’t. I’m notoriously bad at editing my own work; even in college, while majoring in Creative Writing, I never edited my work. Sure, I’d go through and make sure there were no glaring grammatical or spelling errors, but otherwise, whatever I wrote was whatever I submitted.
Fortunately, I can kinda get away with it. My professors always used to balk at the idea of not editing work before submission, but I was lucky in getting away with it!
For what it’s worth, I probably won’t edit this before hitting “Publish.”
“How much time do you spend blogging?”
I always think, “More than I probably should.” But that’s only because I have so much to share! In those moments, I wonder why I don’t blog more!
The time I spend waxes and wanes based on circumstance. Last week, I was pretty much “off” the entire time due to my brother’s high school graduation, traveling to Florida for the same, and last-minute work wrap-ups before the trip. It was incredibly busy, so I was strapped for time.
This week, be prepared — I have much to share after all that transpired, so I’ll be blogging more than y’all probably care, haha.
Loved reading your answers… Thanks for sharing!
Of course, thank you!
Wow, for a post that wasn’t edited, this is awesome! I couldn’t pull this off. I have to read and reread, and even then, I find part of the sentence like, “I was is very good at sewing…” It’s like I’m thinking in two verb tenses at the same time.
Really enjoyed the question/answer banter!
Haha, thanks! Don’t get me wrong, I’ll sometimes catch something after posting, but I’m fortunate that those occasions are few and far between. Phew!
And thanks so much; I can’t wait to check out your blog!
As a Jewish ‘kosher flexitarian’, ‘hobby cook’ and ‘religion geek’, it was really nice stumbling on your blog and I look forward to reading more. I think cultivating awareness about our food choices is so important. Good luck in your culinary and spiritual journey!
This Good Life
I think I’ve seen you around LJ!
(I’m nacho_cheese over there, haha.) Awesome, nice to have you come by! I look forward to reading more of yours, too; your photography is absolutely beautiful. And I completely agree with you about cultivating food choice awareness, especially considering the current state of modern agriculture.
Good luck to you, too, and I’m looking forward to reading more!