Pagan Blog Prompts: Handfastings

Once in a while, when I'm short on things to write about, I'll check out Pagan Blog Prompts and write a bit on their topic of the day. Thursday is over and done, but I still came across this question and, since I had a handfasting myself and some friends here have expressed interest (hi, Tori! :)), I thought I'd answer and give some perspective on our handfasting! Prompt: Handfasting Would you … [Read more...]

PeTA’s Sexiest Vegetarians 2011!

"Wait wait... that's who?" "Ben Affleck, Steph. Are you ever going to remember him?" "Probably not. And who's this Matt Damon?" "Come on, Steph, you know him! He played in [lists movies that I've either forgotten or never seen]!" "Haha, okay baby, whatever." I fully admit it: I have a pop culture problem. Not in that I care way too much about it and therefore know every move that … [Read more...]

Meatless Monday: 11 Reasons Why Dairy Kinda Sucks

Whitewash - grams of various nutrients

I'm getting kind of anxious about this upcoming vegan experiment. The more research I do, the more I realize that it's about more than simply cutting out eggs and dairy, but a change in almost everything. Those two are actually the easiest! And this is coming from a lover of cheese. I mean, I plan to have pizza tonight and make lasagna tomorrow (did I mention my mom is going to be in town from … [Read more...]


Matt and Steph

In a feeble attempt to calm her nerves, she focuses instead on the red numbers from the digital clock that illuminates the kitchen as they walk by. Wow, it is late, she thinks absentmindedly. He follows only a few steps behind her, and she wonders if he can smell the day campers and movie theatre popcorn on her clothes... or if, beyond all that, he can smell her apprehension. She really has … [Read more...]

Letter To My Teenage Angst: 10-Year Time Capsule

Hi there, hon. Please... put that down for just a second and listen. I promise these words offer hope. You're in a terrible place right now, I know it. You're struggling with who you are as a person, as a daughter, as a friend, and as a child on the brink of adulthood. You have these grand ambitions and ideas for your life, but you feel inhibited by fears and doubts. I'll tell you right now, … [Read more...]

What OCD is… and isn’t.

the OCD cycle

I feel like this post is a long time coming. I have several other versions of this in draft, but none of them seemed to really convey what I've wanted to say about obsessive-compulsive disorder without getting kind of cryptic or without a ridiculous amount of uncomfortableness. But there was recently a catalyst. See, people have this incredible habit of taking mundane situations or little … [Read more...]

Theological Thursday: Pagan goodies and tchotchkes

I've been following Pagan Blog Prompts for a while, and though I just finished a whole series on a Sabbat, I figured... why not one more Pagan-related post this week. Ooh, and it's Theological Thursday, yay! This one is inspired by the blog mentioned above, wherein they ask a question regarding shopping for your magickal tools and other tchotchkes (I love that word, it makes you think of little … [Read more...]

“Meat glue” may be holding your dinner together

meat glue

All right, so the butcher's all done making certain cuts for his shop or for the grocery store's order, but he has all these scraps left over. Pieces that would be way too small to sell to anyone, basically just lying around collecting dust. Seems unfit for perfectly good meat to meet (ha!) that fate, right? No worries! If you need to stick a whole bunch of pieces together so you can slice 'em … [Read more...]

Recipe: Coffee Concentrate for Perfect Iced Coffee (or: How Steph starts her mornings)

iced coffee bliss

I love love LOVE iced coffee. Seriously, it's become an addiction over the years, with its smooth texture and flavored awesome. And whipped cream on top? Yes, please! Unfortunately, this habit is also really expensive... I can easily blow $15-20 a week on coffee from Starbucks or (I know, horror of horrors) McDonald's just sating my desire for sweet chilled caffeine-laden goodness. Considering … [Read more...]

Litha In A Week: Ritual and Celebration

Blessed Litha, everyone! :) In celebration, I thought I'd offer up some rituals and celebrations you can incorporate into your day! From mundane activities to full-out circle-castin' ritual, make every step of your day (and life) a magickal one. The Lesser Sabbats (equinoxes and solstices), of which Litha is one, are a great time to think about changes to be made in your life; as they mark … [Read more...]