Got it on your own arm? Send it to me (either in the comments or via email), and I'll add yours to this post, plus a link back to your blog, Facebook, whatever. Be sure to spread the word, both of this photo collection and of tolerance and acceptance. … [Read more...]
Recipe: Homemade granola bars!
I've been having a difficult time eating the past couple of weeks due to stress at work and life in general (remember that post about having way too much to do?), so I decided to make some homemade granola bars to bring to work. They were delicious! A bit sweet, a bit tart, and all-around yummy.Ingredients* 2 cups old-fashioned oatmeal* 1 cup shredded coconut, loosely packed* 3 tablespoons … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Vegan and Vegetarian Pick Up Lines
I'm sure y'all have been ready enough shmoopy-poopy things this Valentine's Day, so I'm here to offer something a little different. Not that I'm a complete V-Day Grinch or anything, but you gotta admit that it's much more fun to drive by completely packed fancy restaurants and save your chocolate appetite for when it's all at 60% off.Anyway, for all you single people hoping to snag yourself a … [Read more...]
To Write Mudblood on Her Arms
One of the biggest lessons learned in our coexisting family, be it dietary choices or religion or anything else, is tolerance. Upon entering our home, no matter your race, creed, sexuality, gender (and/or gender identity), age, or anything else, you're an equal. It's an idea that I take with me outside the home, and that I one day hope will pervade all of mankind.It's especially encouraging when … [Read more...]
Sporadic Hiatus
Trade out "Twitter" for "Blogger," and you get... well, this post. I hate to do this, but I just have so much going on that I have to. At least for a short while.I'm on a temporary sporadic hiatus. What this means is, I may go a few Meatless Mondays and Theological Thursdays without a regular post. Not due to lack of material (trust me, I could talk all day about those two subjects), but … [Read more...] – Vegetarian and Vegan Alcohol
I don't know if I've ever talked about this before, but considering that I'm already drunk (and with this in mind, thank GOD for spellcheck... I hope this makes sense in the morning...) and thinking about alcohol, I thought I'd share! There are actually quite a few beers, wines, and liquors that are not vegetarian- or vegan-friendly. It seems weird, I'm sure -- after all, what goes into alcohol … [Read more...]
This morning has been great so far. Woke up early, enjoyed some time to myself, went to yoga class, made and sipped some delicious free-trade organic coffee (with some very much non-organic caramel syrup, ha). Then, I got the email.Congratulations! You have been selected to perform with Rusty Musicians on Thursday, April 14, 2011 at the Music Center at Strathmore! Please read all of … [Read more...]
Shruti Pandey: World’s Youngest Yoga Instructor
As I head off to yoga class this morning, I'm humbled by the thought of people all over the world who started yoga at a young age and have been practicing for most of their lives. Some of the most accomplished yogis are from the United States, but even more hail from where we believe is its point of origin: India.In fact, children can start incredibly young there, including Harsh Kumar, an … [Read more...]
Baltimore Philharmonic Orchestra
I've been talking on and off with a friend of mine from high school, Sara, about community orchestras. She plays violin as well, and was involved in a community orchestra where she lives for a bit. Though life caught up with her and she had to sit this season out, we still had a great discussion about orchestras like it, and I decided I'd search again for one in the area.While it's not incredibly … [Read more...]
Theological Thursday: Corn Dollies for Imbolc (craft)
We talked a bit about Brighid yesterday for Imbolc (hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, by the way!), but I didn't get to go much into one of her many aspects: That of the bride, the symbol of fertility and good fortune. For Imbolc, many Pagans create Brighid dollies; while these are traditionally made of oats and wheat, this version teaches you how to make them using corn husks.To make this … [Read more...]