What’s actually in fast food chicken? (Oh my god, ew ew ew…)


I really can't say it better than Organic Authority's Shilo Urban, so I'm just going to copy the article here. I don't think I got three paragraphs down before I started feeling physically sick... and I don't even eat the stuff! Read at your own risk, eat at your own demise. Frying chicken is fairly simple, if a little messy. You dip pieces of chicken into a mix of egg and milk, roll them … [Read more...]

Ribbing the McRib


We take a break from your regular Samhain in Salem programming to bring you a really interesting article I read this morning. I blame this interruption on Matt. In one fell swoop, he managed to weird me out about the honey on your average supermarket shelf and suck me into something known as CNN's Eatocracy. He knows how obsessed I am with food, especially food that comes from weird places or … [Read more...]

Recipe: Fondue for Two (or more!)

I’m on my third week at my fancy new job, and I admit to loving every minute of it. There’s so much to learn and absorb, and I feel like every day I come into work is new and exciting. While I miss my former coworkers, I’m meeting new people here, and they’re all incredibly friendly and great to work for and with. I figured that, since I have a fancy new job, Matt and I would celebrate … [Read more...]

This is totally just me ranting about falling baking projects.

I consider myself pretty good at baking. My stuff always comes out hot, fresh, and delicious, and my husband (and, when said baked goods are brought to work, my coworkers) heartily approves of pretty much any baking frenzy I'm swept up in. But goddammit, will I NEVER make a decent from-scratch cupcake! They always, ALWAYS fall, and it drives me up the wall. Makes me feel like … [Read more...]

“Meat glue” may be holding your dinner together

meat glue

All right, so the butcher's all done making certain cuts for his shop or for the grocery store's order, but he has all these scraps left over. Pieces that would be way too small to sell to anyone, basically just lying around collecting dust. Seems unfit for perfectly good meat to meet (ha!) that fate, right? No worries! If you need to stick a whole bunch of pieces together so you can slice 'em … [Read more...]

When Recipes Go Wrong

It's times like this when I'm thankful for my readers, who try out my recipes and let me know how they are and if there's anything missing, wrong, or otherwise askew with them. But I don't think I'm quite this bad. MrsB recently pointed out a recipe by Paula Deen (you know, the one famous for heart attack-inducing favorites like meat on meat on Krispy Kreme donuts...) that left several readers, … [Read more...]