Ribbing the McRib


We take a break from your regular Samhain in Salem programming to bring you a really interesting article I read this morning. I blame this interruption on Matt. In one fell swoop, he managed to weird me out about the honey on your average supermarket shelf and suck me into something known as CNN's Eatocracy. He knows how obsessed I am with food, especially food that comes from weird places or … [Read more...]

“Meat glue” may be holding your dinner together

meat glue

All right, so the butcher's all done making certain cuts for his shop or for the grocery store's order, but he has all these scraps left over. Pieces that would be way too small to sell to anyone, basically just lying around collecting dust. Seems unfit for perfectly good meat to meet (ha!) that fate, right? No worries! If you need to stick a whole bunch of pieces together so you can slice 'em … [Read more...]

Meatless Monday: Hidden Non-Vegetarian Food Ingredients

When I was 13, I called myself a vegetarian, but I wasn't very informed on where my food came from, what came in contact with it, and what hidden ingredients might be in the food I was eating. I would turn up my nose at the beef in my mom's beef stroganoff, but would take the sauce and liberally apply it to my egg noodles, even despite the meat having been in there or, I'm sure, beef stock having … [Read more...]

What does "free range" really mean? How "free" is it?

What do you think of when someone says "free range"? If you're like most people, you imagine cows and chickens frolicking among fields, chewing cud straight out of the earth or pecking the ground for a worm who was unfortunate enough to wake up early that morning. There are flowers blooming, green grass growing, and sunshine warming the earth.This is what many companies would want you to think, at … [Read more...]

PlanetGreen.com: 7 Foods So Unsafe Even Farmers Won’t Eat Them

Whether talking about vegetarian or omnivore fare, one of the topics I consider more important is knowing where your food comes from. I talked yesterday about the terrifying fact that salmonella is more common in more unusual foods every day, and today I bring you an article from Planet Green about foods that even farmers won't eat. Some of these are household staples: canned tomatoes, microwave … [Read more...]

Food Inc.: The Incredible "Inedible" Egg

All right. I typically don't share links and stuff that lead to petitions, but I really had to share a link I just found through Facebook regarding egg recalls and the general state of factory farming in general. This goes beyond the petition itself and into awareness of where we get our food, most notably the reasons why we have found salmonella in things ranging from beef to avocados to, yes, … [Read more...]