Food Waste Leads to Meal Planning

Weekly Meal Plans

Part of me wants to say that I've talked about this before, but that feeling may stem from wanting to do it since Matt and I started living together back in 2007. Wishful thinking for so many years, but finally, it looks like we're going to start to plan our meals! While I hate to admit it, Matt and I are kind of... wasteful when it comes to fresh fruits and vegetables. We buy things in … [Read more...]

Coexisting isn’t always easy.

Sometimes, coexisting is actually really hard. And can result in some heated debates. Matt and I argued about food yesterday, from our different diets (which  isn't typically a problem but holy crap yesterday) to how to raise healthy kids with healthy diets, and pretty much everything in between. Of course, we started when we got to bed at 10pm, and probably passed out (finally!) around … [Read more...]

Meatless Monday: Recipe: Cheese"steak" Travesty

Riding on our vitamin D high from yesterday's fun-filled day outside, Matt and I decided to fire up the grill and make some cheesesteaks. Except there was no steak, but turkey (or turk'y, in my case), which would be a travesty to the most hardcore cheesesteak lover. There was, however, a good amount of cheese, and the most delicious carmelized veggies you've ever eaten (and some leftovers to enjoy … [Read more...]

And you’re a vegetarian… why?

Earlier this week, we discussed the broad types of vegetarianism (and diets in general) that exist today. Today I'll be covering reasons why one would want to pursue a diet that completely or partially eliminates meat. While this is, like the last, not at all a comprehensive list of reasons, I hope it serves as a starting point!People go vegetarian (or flexitarian) for many different and often … [Read more...]

Labels: And what type of vegetarian are you?

I have a lot of labels for myself (Pagan, witch, vegetarian, writer, violinist, paralegal, wife, friend, whatever [no, seriously... that's one of 'em]), but the one that people find most confusing, oddly enough, is "vegetarian." I've received a lot of comments from that one little word: Do you eat chicken? I'm making dinner, will you have fish? How about this crab dip, that's okay, right? Wanna go … [Read more...]

Meatless Monday: Facts about protein for vegetarians

A big misconception about vegetarians is that they do not get a proper amount of protein in their daily diets. It was fads such as the Atkins Diet that almost obsessively pushed protein as an important building block of anyone's daily eating and bodily makeup -- and don't get me wrong, protein IS incredibly important! But is meat the only way to obtain the proteins needed to maintain a healthy … [Read more...]

Vegetarian Jokes and Witty Retorts

 As vegetarians, we're the butt of a lot of jokes, from the kinda lame knock-knock-variety ("Did you hear about the vegan devil worshiper?") to the much-expected vulgar sex jokes about where vegetarian protein comes from ("She swallows!"). So I want to know... what are your favorite veggie-related jokes and witty retorts to vegetarian-related questions? They can be ones that you've heard, … [Read more...]

Meatless Monday: Pregnancy and Vegetarians

Any vegetarian embarking on any life journey is sure to get some questioning looks and even some invasive questions. Of no exception is pregnancy: How do you expect a baby to thrive when the mother is vegetarian? She needs her meat, right?Actually, this isn't true! In fact, if a vegetarian diet is based on nutritious whole foods, it can be a very healthy choice for pregnant women. Of course, some … [Read more...]

Video on Veg*nism

While I find this pig to be a bit pretentious, he does bring up some interesting points. Not that he covered everything (after all, the eyes of prey are set on the sides of the head to see predators before they attack, and predators' eyes are set in front to see their targets... and our eyes are pretty firmly attached to the front of our heads!), but the points that he did make are accurate.Enjoy! … [Read more...]

Wedding Hors D’œuvres

 Photo courtesy of Woodfield Country Club.I don't know about you guys, but I always have trouble spelling hors d'œuvres. It's just one of those phrases that doesn't roll off the tongue well. Fortunately, the food with which the phrase is associated does a much better job of impressing my taste buds!I thought I'd share our hors d'œuvres selections with you guys. Matt and I are getting … [Read more...]