Part of me wants to say that I've talked about this before, but that feeling may stem from wanting to do it since Matt and I started living together back in 2007. Wishful thinking for so many years, but finally, it looks like we're going to start to plan our meals! While I hate to admit it, Matt and I are kind of... wasteful when it comes to fresh fruits and vegetables. We buy things in … [Read more...]
Coexisting isn’t always easy.
Sometimes, coexisting is actually really hard. And can result in some heated debates. Matt and I argued about food yesterday, from our different diets (which isn't typically a problem but holy crap yesterday) to how to raise healthy kids with healthy diets, and pretty much everything in between. Of course, we started when we got to bed at 10pm, and probably passed out (finally!) around … [Read more...]
Recipe: Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
When my anxiety is high, I clean.And when things are clean, as they were today, I bake. And hoo boy, did I bake.I'll go more into the anxiety thing (and other points of personal interest) tomorrow, but in the meantime, I invite you to experience the same smell I am currently enjoying: That of fresh-baked chocolate chip banana bread. I love bananas, Matt loves chocolate chips, and the combination … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Recipe: Golden-Crusted Garlic Brussels Sprouts
via...I used to turn my nose at those little balls of green cabbage. Ugh, brussels sprouts, the bane of every child's... erm, childhood, I'd think, snubbing them as if they were dung pellets. I never even had brussels sprouts, but everyone else's testimony led me to believe that they were horrible.Well, thank heavens for a coworker of mine, who not only loves brussels sprouts herself, but who … [Read more...]
And you’re a vegetarian… why?
Earlier this week, we discussed the broad types of vegetarianism (and diets in general) that exist today. Today I'll be covering reasons why one would want to pursue a diet that completely or partially eliminates meat. While this is, like the last, not at all a comprehensive list of reasons, I hope it serves as a starting point!People go vegetarian (or flexitarian) for many different and often … [Read more...]
Labels: And what type of vegetarian are you?
I have a lot of labels for myself (Pagan, witch, vegetarian, writer, violinist, paralegal, wife, friend, whatever [no, seriously... that's one of 'em]), but the one that people find most confusing, oddly enough, is "vegetarian." I've received a lot of comments from that one little word: Do you eat chicken? I'm making dinner, will you have fish? How about this crab dip, that's okay, right? Wanna go … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Vegan and Vegetarian Pick Up Lines
I'm sure y'all have been ready enough shmoopy-poopy things this Valentine's Day, so I'm here to offer something a little different. Not that I'm a complete V-Day Grinch or anything, but you gotta admit that it's much more fun to drive by completely packed fancy restaurants and save your chocolate appetite for when it's all at 60% off.Anyway, for all you single people hoping to snag yourself a … [Read more...]
Vegetarians and Weight Loss
I'm celebrating the coldest, windiest Maryland day in a comfy wool sweater, calf-high fuzzy boots... and a jean skirt. Did NOT plan this one, I swear; I did jeans laundry last night and woke up to them still damp in the dryer, so I started them again while also scouring my drawers for another pair of pants. The only pair was my black dress pants, which I hadn't worn in ages.... and they were … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Facts about protein for vegetarians
A big misconception about vegetarians is that they do not get a proper amount of protein in their daily diets. It was fads such as the Atkins Diet that almost obsessively pushed protein as an important building block of anyone's daily eating and bodily makeup -- and don't get me wrong, protein IS incredibly important! But is meat the only way to obtain the proteins needed to maintain a healthy … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Hidden Non-Vegetarian Food Ingredients
When I was 13, I called myself a vegetarian, but I wasn't very informed on where my food came from, what came in contact with it, and what hidden ingredients might be in the food I was eating. I would turn up my nose at the beef in my mom's beef stroganoff, but would take the sauce and liberally apply it to my egg noodles, even despite the meat having been in there or, I'm sure, beef stock having … [Read more...]