Father’s Day reflections

I never really had the greatest relationship with my dad. It was filled with awkwardness, timidity, and what I felt was a hint of disapproval. After all, I'm likely not at all what he expected I'd grow up to be -- I'm of a different faith, I married someone he initially hated, I'm not a professional musician. There are many times I thought that I disappointed him. It's partly my fault, too, … [Read more...]

Meatless Monday: Recipe: Stir-Fry Tofu

via... I'd have pictures of my own, but the food was demolished before I had the chance! ;) I come from a family with an arsenal of select comfort foods: Various casseroles, beef stroganoff (so much so that I had to vegetarianize it!), and tuna melts were staples in my house, and they were almost always meat-based in some way. So when I became vegetarian (again) in my early 20s, the first thing … [Read more...]

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has a wonderful new year! Matt and I are currently recovering from having stayed up until past midnight and imbibing way too much beer. At least in my case. What can I say, I'm getting too old for this mess!It was still a great time, though. We went to visit Matt's cousin, Jessica, and her boyfriend, Chris, at one of their friends' homes in Columbia. They were very gracious hosts, … [Read more...]

Vegetarian Jokes and Witty Retorts

 As vegetarians, we're the butt of a lot of jokes, from the kinda lame knock-knock-variety ("Did you hear about the vegan devil worshiper?") to the much-expected vulgar sex jokes about where vegetarian protein comes from ("She swallows!"). So I want to know... what are your favorite veggie-related jokes and witty retorts to vegetarian-related questions? They can be ones that you've heard, … [Read more...]

Adaptation: The Coexisting Family

 Why yes, I AM marrying into a huge family! ;)Sometimes, living the coexisting life goes beyond those inside your home. In our case, it's only me and Matt, and we like to think we're doing this pretty well! But what happens when you throw others into the mix? After all, we both have families with varying dietary restrictions, allergies, and beliefs on food and culture. How do you balance all … [Read more...]