27 weeks. Third trimester? Something like that. Who cares, I’m huge. ;)

belly button fish

So according to some sites, sometime this week starts my third trimester. 27w4d, 27w on the dot, some as late as 28w. Frankly, I'm not sure when it starts and I honestly don't particularly care, but if it's now, I can definitely see (and feel) why! Exhaustion is starting to rear its ugly head again, to the point where coffee doesn't even close to touching it and getting a good night's sleep -- … [Read more...]

Some 2nd Amendment ranting.

Click to embiggen.

I found out this morning that someone on Facebook defriended me after a discussion about gun rights for individuals in the US. I thought it was pretty polite discourse, but when confronted with rational arguments, facts, and figures, I guess that doesn't leave the other party much to stand on but his pride. No real loss with the defriending, but it just confuses me why some, when faced with … [Read more...]

Baby Kit: 24 weeks!

24w1d plus duckface

Moving right along! I've been a terrible blogger as of late, but I swear it's for good reason. We've had a lot going on in the nursery lately, including me sewing up custom curtains made from shower curtains (what? We didn't like any regular curtains!) and some blackout shades. Matt hung up the curtain rod, so I really need to get crackin' on these curtains. It's tough when you don't have a … [Read more...]