I attended a wonderful baby shower this past weekend to celebrate a new life to be brought in the world by Christian and his partner, Ali. It was a ton of fun, and it was great to meet so many new people! There was a ton of food, a few games, and best of all, time spent with the happy couple as they were surrounded by their families and friends. I love baby showers. :D The week prior, I … [Read more...]
An Existential Crisis! – Wherein I question my path even more
It's no surprise to pretty much anyone that I am constantly reevaluating my faith and my belief system, always seeking to improve and learn as much as humanly possible, adapting to fit whatever sings to my heart. I came to the point where I am now after extensive research and soul-seeking, eventually settling in my path as a panentheistic Pagan and witch. I came to this point as a result of … [Read more...]
Mourning the death of David Grega (but, but… he was *fat*!!)
In case y’all haven’t noticed, I’m a thin Pagan. Not, like, stick skinny, but definitely on the “thin” side. My apparent lack of cleavage is a testament to this fact. :P I’ve never really been a “fat” Pagan, or a “fat” anything, for that matter. There was a point where I was technically overweight for my frame and body type, but (1) that’s not what I’d really call … [Read more...]
Wednesday Perk-Up! (12-18 July)
Mmm... brew's on and smelling good! Hope y'all are ready for some delicious bits from all around the world, starting first with my favorite, local Pagans and their awesomeness! My mom's been in town, so I'm sorry for the general lack of postings. I'd be a complete bitch, though, if I didn't serve y'all up some coffee. What kind of (web)host would be be then. ;) (If you ever want to be … [Read more...]
Guest Post: Affordable Organic Recipes Every Person Should Try by Michael Sandoval
To continue with the guest posts by Michael Sandoval (last week's is here!), check out these recipes using organic ingredients! It's becoming a more notorious thing in recent years, eating organic, even going as far as being offered alongside that "other" produce at supermarkets. (You upturned your nose, too, didn't you? Don't you lie to me!) ... ahem. Again, Michael: The floor is yours! … [Read more...]
Wednesday Perk-Up! (05-11 July)
I'm one of those "to the ends of the internet!" types who finds random articles and saves them for discussion. Unfortunately, those articles never actually get discussed, so they instead sit in their lonely Firefox tab, waiting for me to hover my mouse over their URLs and share with you all! It hit me recently just how many of those tabs I tend to have open... certainly far too many, a sure … [Read more...]
NASA Goddard encourages and celebrates different faiths – Part 3!
Holidays to balance out your hot and sticky summer! Thank heavens, too -- we all need something other than air conditioners, swimming pools, and ice-cold lemonade to keep us afloat as we roast. (Though honestly, none of those are all that bad.) Nothing for us Pagans this month, but still plenty to go around! A very happy holiday to anyone observing this month. :) Like the ones in February … [Read more...]
Friends, Families, and Fantastic News!!
It was the wee hours of the morning when I received the text. I didn't process a lot of what was going on, just that it was storming out and that the blinding light from my iPhone rivaled the intermittent lightning outside. I rubbed my eyes, bleary from sleep, and rolled away from the light to wrap my arm around Matt. I don't remember much from that night, but when I finally saw the picture … [Read more...]
Food Allergies: All about anaphylaxis
As a food blogger (among other topics), especially a "specialty" food blogger, the most disappointing and potentially limiting thing to have is a food allergy. Tree nuts are typically a huge part of any vegetarian diet, but I'm one of those lucky people who gets an anaphylactic reaction to tree nuts -- pecans, cashews, walnuts, almonds, and so forth are all out of the question. It actually kinda … [Read more...]
Guest Post: 5 Delicious Vegetarian Food Recipes by Michael Sandoval
I was recently approached by Michael Sandoval of BetterCater.com, based out of Daly City, California, for The Coexist Cafe to host a couple guest blog posts for him. Since Matt and I are still recovering from Canada, the Maryland power outage, and Independence Day festivities, this request couldn't have come at a better time! (And yes, I know I still promise you those posts. That's what the … [Read more...]