The Passport Saga

passport saga 6

Yeah yeah, I know, bad blogger and all that. It hasn't been for bad reason, though. Between the Board of Directors for my company visiting for part of the week, an audit shortly after that, and several other things to juggle, it's just been a madhouse here! I'm thankful for a brief breath of air, but it's short-lived as we prepare for this week: In-laws came into town yesterday, family wedding on … [Read more...]

Bad blogger! Bad!

Yeah yeah, I get it. I've been a very bad blogger lately.

I haven't been here in a month, which makes me sad for so many reasons. My head hangs in shame as I realize how much time has passed and how many awesome things have happened since the last time I've updated. There have been things I've wanted to say, but I admit that I've been a bit lazy about writing them down. It wasn't until I got an email from a loyal friend and blog follower that she's … [Read more...]