Green thumbs and green stones.

front yard 4

We got a letter last week from the HOA about our "dead foliage" in the front yard. Apparently, the HOA was none too pleased that, in a fit of boredom, Matt decided to rip up a few of them and leave them out to dry, ha. So we took advantage of that letter and the nicer weather yesterday by revamping half of our front yard... and by "we", I mean "I", as he readily admits that I'm the brawn to his … [Read more...]

A Personal Update


I know I don't do many of these, mostly because I want this blog to focus on spirituality (both for myself and as a whole) and food (because YUM), but there are some times when, as I read about your hopes and dreams and personal lives, I feel like sharing my own with you guys. This is one of those times. :) As I'm probably going to cover a lot of topics in one blog post, I'm including links … [Read more...]

Pagan Coming Out Day 2012


Happy Pagan Coming Out Day! :D Pagan Coming Out Day Every year, the day after Beltane, comes a time when you get to come out in all your Pagany glory. I've asked y'all to share your coming-out stories on my Facebook page, and as promised, below is a survey that you can share with everyone as well. According to PCOD: Coming out to someone is a decision only you can make and it’s a decision … [Read more...]

Happy Beltane! :)

Beltane fire

To those in the Northern hemisphere who celebrate, a very happy and fun-filled Beltane to you! And to those brothers and sisters to the south, happy Samhain!! Since Matt and I will be out celebrating his favorite Sabbat (lol) with a bunch of friends and good drinks tonight, and considering I have work today, I don't have a great amount of time for a large Beltane post. Therefore, I'm going to … [Read more...]