Judaism and Circumcision: The Mitzvah of the Brit Milah and a Pagan’s take on the whole thing

Brit Milah, or the Covenant of Abraham/Circumcision. via wiki

**First, let me start off by saying that, while I’m not an “intactivist” by any means, my views in this post will not align with all of yours. That’s part of the nature of sharing your opinion. :) Despite these differences, though, please be aware that I do respect yours and your reasons for them. That being said, I’m not necessarily going to hold back for the sakes of those who … [Read more...]

Faith and Freedom: In the Clink (Pagan Blog Project 2012)

It’s so early this morning for a rant! My inbox held an article from HuffPost Religion about religion in prison, wherein a Pew Forum released a 50-state survey of prison chaplains. Many of the results were not surprising: Muslim and Protestant Christian faith systems experienced a growth in religion switching, religious counseling and other religion-based programming are an important part of … [Read more...]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! – Debunking the Blarney


Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig! I'm part Irish -- half of my heritage is Polish, half is a combination of French, German, Irish, and Swedish. I was also raised Catholic, which is strongly linked to that Irish side. So when St. Patrick's Day comes around, I can't help but feel pretty prideful, even if it is that small percentage. ;) St. Patrick's Day, though, is rife with myths about snakes, … [Read more...]

Eustress and Daily Magick (Pagan Blog Prompt 2012)


Main Entry: eustress Part of Speech: n Definition: stress that is deemed healthful or giving one the feeling of fulfillment Etymology: from Greek eu 'well, good' + stress, modeled on distress   Throughout my life (as I'm sure many of you can relate), I've had tremendous stress. Between work, school and the homework that came with it, other home … [Read more...]

Meatless Monday: Food Pyramids throughout the decades (and how they screwed with the idea of “healthy eating”)

Food Pyramid 1992

Food has come a long way, baby. You'd think it was easy enough to determine what a balanced diet is, but in the mid-20th century, when processed foods, fast foods, and general convenience foods were rapidly pushing out the good ol' home-cooked meal of yesteryears, there arose a need to establish some sort of nutritional guideline. Introducing: The four basic food groups! These groups … [Read more...]