A very happy holiday season, indeed!

Oh yeah, and as for Chanukah? We actually made it through all eight nights! Thank you, iPhone, for capturing this moment, haha.

It has been quite an eventful week! Matt and I had a good chunk of time off this past weekend (I had a four-day, he had a three-'n'-half-day), which was spent frolicking around Maryland and generally having a great time. I got to meet another internet friend this past Thursday! Bethany (Beatnik Betty) and I have been LiveJournal friends for ages. Seriously, I don't even remember when we became … [Read more...]

Happy Everything from the Fox family!


Wishing you and your families a happy Chanukah, a merry Christmas, a blessed Yule, and whatever else you may celebrate this winter season. Oh, and a very happy New Year! ;) … [Read more...]

The Polar Extremes

Related to this morning's post about the science of the solstice, here's a really cool video that shows the solstice light in Alaska! Can you imagine having a day with less than three hours' worth of sunlight? I sure can't...!!   I thought this one was great to show just how dark it remains:   And, for really cool contrast, just the opposite:   Finally, in the … [Read more...]

The Science of the Solstice

via Washington Post

These shorter periods of sunlight during the winter are something to get used to for this Florida girl; having lived near the equator my whole life, to be in an area where the tilt in the earth's axis is so stark comparatively has been a real adjustment. I know I'm looking forward to sunlight's return, which makes Yule one of my favorite holidays! Last night at 12:30am marked the peak of the … [Read more...]

Chanukah history and traditions


Still not feeling 100% better today -- some of the symptoms are over and done with, but I can't seem to shake these nauseous and exhausted feelings. It was so bad that I had to miss last night's Yule ritual, which I anticipated but was still rather upset about. We did go to Matt's family's Chanukah dinner on Saturday, though! It was a wonderful time spent with extended family, and I'm so happy … [Read more...]

Holiday Celebrations! And… I’m sick, duh.

It's seriously the worst time of year to be sick, but here I am, nursing a box of tissues while swallowing pill after pill of Comtrex and trying to bolster my immune system with Emergen-C. There are just too many things going on, holiday-wise, to be sick! Since I don't really have a huge update or anything, I thought I'd give y'all a glimpse into our celebrations this winter, and I hope I can make … [Read more...]

A comparative look at milk alternatives


One thing that hasn't changed since my vegan experiment this summer was the use of milk alternatives rather than cow's milk, especially after learning just how screwed up cow's milk can be. I still find myself eating yogurt and ice cream products (though I never ate much of either of those, anyway!), and I never could develop a taste for fake cheese (yuck yuck YUCK :() but I ended up really loving … [Read more...]

Happy Christmachanuyulekah!


One of the greatest perks of living in a coexisting home are all the holidays you get to celebrate! I know that I've experienced more Jewish holidays since Matt and I have been together (has it really been 6.5 years...?) than I ever thought I would, and because of my background and current spirituality, I get to see how the old melds with the new. It's been a real whirlwind. Since we do … [Read more...]

For the rest of us!


Since we're still DINK(Y)s, and despite the plethora of holidays that we should be celebrating for each of our families' respective faiths, December is actually kind of a quiet month for us. We do little things for Chanukah (I make Matt say the prayers over at least two candles at Chanukah -- after that, he kinda piddles out), Yule (exchanging of one gift and maybe a stocking with some crazy … [Read more...]

My inspiration? Michelle Obama’s White House garden!

Yup, looks a lot like this!

We moved into this house with such grand plans for everything around us. Some of them, we actually accomplished; the stripes on the walls are my greatest achievement, and as my cousin said when she came over, "Your house reminds me of a beach house!" is the greatest compliment I could receive. The backyard... that's another story. We haven't cut the grass since this summer, so it is literally a … [Read more...]