Samhain in a Week: Samhain New Moon in Scorpio

This actually happened last night, but for posterity, I thought I’d let y’all know about it, even a bit late. Next year’s Samhain New Moon is on 13 November, and will be in Libra. In ancient Pagan traditions, the New Moon directly preceding Samhain was known as – you guessed it! – the Samhain New Moon. Each new moon brings a new aspect of our lives as it is reborn, and this year is … [Read more...]

Samhain in a Week: A History of Samhain

Samhain in a Week

Welcome to TCC’s [Insert Pagan Holiday] in a Week series! It’s been a while since I’ve done this, so I kind of feel like I’m throwing y’all into it, but hey, that’s one way to get a party going, isn’t it! Samhain is in less than a week, and I’ve got much to share with you before the Witches’ New Year: Lots of folklore, history, correspondences, and ritual. Since it’s also … [Read more...]

30 Before 30: Volunteering opportunities through

The big 3-0 is kinda sneaking up on me. I'll be 27 in just a few weeks, and as the days tick down, I realize just how little time I have to finish everything on my 30 Before 30 list, especially considering that some of them are pretty lofty goals! One goal that I can easily tick off my list, though, is volunteering. At least, in theory, that should be an easy one to complete. After all, you're … [Read more...]

Take My V-Card, Then!: Taking a Stand Against Militant Vegans

It came to my attention recently, through Colleen at Cheap Wine and Cookies, that the author of the best-selling book and website The Happy Herbivore said that she's "not 'vegan' anymore". In a terrible turn of events, a conversation about honey turned into a bashing of epic proportions, where vegans vilified Lindsay's and her sister's stances on honey: "You shouldn't be calling yourself vegan … [Read more...]

I must be REALLY versatile!

Y'all know that I've been away from my blog the past month or two, allowing myself to adjust to a new workload, learning a new area of law, and generally preparing for a busy three months ahead of the Fox Family. In that time, I received a lot of encouraging comments, including one from Becky from the hummingbird hollow... with a sweet note saying she had nominated me for the Versatile Blogger … [Read more...]

Recipe: Savory Mushroom and Roasted Red Pepper Calzones


Using the dough from last night, Matt and I made some incredible calzones that I know y'all will just love. The dough is really what takes forever; the rest of this takes mayyyybe 30 minutes, so if you have the dough prepped already, you can have a delicious meal in no time at all. Oh, and I completely forgot today was Meatless Monday. Happy Monday, y'all! Ingredients * whole wheat … [Read more...]

Autumn Beauty


I consider this our first "autumn" season since Matt and I moved to Maryland in December 2009. Our first such season here, we pretty much missed it as we were in south Florida gettin' hitched (and if you're from or have ever experienced Florida, you know there are two seasons: HOT AS BALLS for about 10 months, and NOT QUITE AS HOT for about two. Fortunately, our wedding fell on a day between those … [Read more...]

Recipe: Whole wheat pizza dough (from scratch!)

It's been a while since I've made any sort of bread dough from scratch, much less one that tasted good. When Matt had the idea to make calzones today, I thought I'd give it another shot with some fresher ingredients we had bought just the other day, and finally, I can say that I made a pizza dough with a recipe worth keeping! Despite being a whole wheat-based dough, it was light and absorbed … [Read more...]