Not long ago, we had a post here about barbequing. On top of the great discussion brought up as a result, a fierce argument also raged... that between gas grilling and charcoal grilling. Vegetarian or omnivore, we all have a fist in this fight, so weigh in below: Do you prefer gas or charcoal for your summer barbeque? Or are you a little offbeat, and prefer hickory wood?With Memorial Day quickly … [Read more...]
Umami: The Fifth Taste
We all know the four basic tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. But what about those foods that are so much more... that are savory?There was never a word for this until the late 1800s, when two men in different parts of the world discovered a taste so amazing, it couldn’t be described as sweet, sour, bitter, or salty. It started with a world-class chef (as in, the chef of his time), Auguste … [Read more...]
Barbeque for two!
... diets, that is.If there’s one thing that Matt and I love to do in the summer, it’s barbeque. The feel of the hot briquettes mere inches from our faces, the sound of the hickory wood crackling over the coals, the smell of burnt burgers and Portobello mushrooms as we turn them from side to side... it’s making my mouth cry for some right now!In Florida, barbeque season went from early … [Read more...]
Coexisting… in more ways than one
You’ll notice that there’s a new recipe up (I’m adding them from my collection as I go along, so check back often!) called Four-Quarter Harmony, which mentions the use of fruits representing each of the four quarters – earth, air, fire, and water. If that description doesn’t lay it out enough, let me be more obvious: I’m Pagan!Part of the reason why I came up with the name The Coexist … [Read more...]
Obnoxious Omnivores and Vilifying Vegetarians
How many of my readers are vegetarian? And how many of you are omnivores? Go on, raise your hands; don’t be shy!How about your families? Are you veg, and the rest of your family is made up of omnis? Or vice versa? Or do you share a diet with your family? How about extended family members? Your spouse? Your children? How about your friends, coworkers, random people you meet on the street, and so … [Read more...]
Jalapeños – Annapolis, MD
It was Matt's birthday yesterday (the big 2-6; happy birthday, baby!), and we celebrated with a trip to a new-to-us restaurant in Annapolis: Jalapeños. It's been rated by Zagat Surveys for the past three years, this year included, as one of the best in the area. Since Matt was craving Mexican last night, we figured we'd give it a shot. After all, we really need to visit more local restaurants in … [Read more...]
Welcome to The Coexist Cafe!
Hey, everyone! My name is Stephanie, and I've been a vegetarian for the last 13 years. I currently live with my fiance, Matt, who is an omnivore. I created this blog in the hopes that others who live in mixed-dietary households could have some recipes that are easily adaptable to suit everyone, a place to talk about veg*n-omni issues and thoughts, and so forth.Matt and I are also a mixed-faith … [Read more...]